Nordic Crossings
Nordic Crossings/ Nordiske krydsfelter.
The experiment was carried out by four Nordic artists with one main characteristic in common: Their work reflects, presents or partly includes aspects of both traditional (ethnic) and contemporary (globalised) art forms. For 10 days the artists collaborated, experimented, discussed and investigated the incentive that motivates their artistic work, and finished with a public showing of the results of the work.
Artists: Åsa Simma, Swedish/Samisk performer and singer/joiker. Henrik Munch, Danish composer and musician. Jessie Kleemann, Greenlandic artist and performer. Steinunn Knutsdottir, Icelandic director and performer.
The experiment was kindly supported by Kulturkontakt Nord and the Danish Arts Council (Scenekunstudvalget), and was a preproject for the developing of a second series of Colina laboratories, a European collaboration project.