The Icelandic dance company Samsteypan visited Laboratoriet to perform an experiment as preparation for their performance Úps! which premiered in March 2012.
The experiment investigates a physical and choreographical language based on themes and dynamic patterns from Shakespeare's comedies. All of them!
How can the universe of the comedies be translated and transformed into movement? What do we recognise as Shakespearean? What kind of comedy are we dealing with? What is funny - and not funny? What are the physical characteristics of the characters? What themes are they personifying? What happens when it is all expressed through body and movement?
See the video, edited by the company, with examples from the improvisations and the types of scenes and dramatic universes that was explored in the experiment, using movement, music and props.
See the report for a summary discussion of all the reflections that came out of the experiment, transcribed and edited from a recording we made on the last day.